
Price Hike!


Lip Gloss
Image via Wikipedia


Is it just me, or did lip gloss once used to be like $4 or $5 bucks?? I went to CVS last night and I shit you not, every single “normal” brand of makeup had lip gloss no less than $10.99. And by “normal” I mean the Cover Girl, Revlon, Maybelline, etc brands..


When did freaking lip gloss become so damn expensive!? LipSTICK prices have remained the same. They’re still like $4 to $6 bucks, but God forbid you prefer a gloss to a stick, you just need to pay double the price. Not to mention the 10 different types of gloss like lip applications these days. Stainer, gloss, plumpers, etc etc etc. Just give me options of things that looks good and doesn’t feel nasty when on. Is that too hard?

This is the mostĀ irrelevantĀ post I’ve ever written. But it annoyed me enough to write it, so there.

What other common items have you guys come across these days that the prices have just gone through the roof?