Healthcare · Rants

Counting the tissues

Fred Ott's Sneeze (film by William K.L. Dickson)
Image via Wikipedia

I moved to Texas from India when I was 8 years old. I was a complete tomboy and spent all my time outdoors. I played outside, I read outside, I swam, I hiked, I climbed trees – you name it. If the activity involved me being outside and in the sun, I was there.

Then allergies struck.

I had no idea what allergies even were. I was 11 at the time, and had never experienced this problem my entire time I lived in India. Yet just 2-3 years after I set foot in the South, my body decided to repel the main thing I loved the most – being outdoors. I was forced to get allergy skin tests done (ouch!), and had to be put on allergy shots. For 9 years I was getting a shot every 2 weeks. Talk about a pain in the ass!! I finally gave up my sophomore year in college when a) I was seeing no results and b) going to the campus clinic every 2 weeks to get a shot was getting really really annoying.

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